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Newsletters issued by the PICASSO Project will be referenced in this section.
Issue N° 1 – September 2016
PICASSO Expert Groups met for the first time: here our findings
PICASSO’s first Expert Group Meeting took place in Washington D.C. on May 20, 2016 and was hosted by NIST at the Department of Commerce. Technical issues (5G Networks, Big Data, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems) related to smart cities, smart energy and smart transport, as well as horizontal overarching policy aspects relevant for EU-US collaboration in the ICT areas identified, were discussed.
Join us at the Trans-Atlantic Symposium on Technology and Policy for a Smart Society
Hosted by the Technological Leadership Institute (TLI) at the University of Minnesota, on 19-20 June 2017, the symposium will cover the spectrum from research assessments, to commercialization opportunities, to technology policy issues in the fields of 5G networks, big data, Internet of Things (IoT)/cyber-physical systems (CPS), with particular focus on impacts for a smart society and related industry.
Issue N° 2 – March 2017
A new tool will support EU-US ICT collaboration: CROSSROADS
Coming soon! The PICASSO Project will soon launch a new tool fully dedicated to EU-US ICT collaboration: CROSSROADS. It will be available both on the PICASSO website and as an application on the App Store and Android Market. Free of charge and updated on a regular basis, CROSSROADS will offer a smart and easy access to all the information needed. More information will be posted on our website.
Where do EU and US industrial and societal needs meet?
Through an extensive interview and analysis work, PICASSO has recently produced a comprehensive Analysis of industrial and societal needs, and of cross-domain relationships/application areas and opportunities for EU-US collaboration in non-competitive and pre-competitive areas.
Read the summary on our website.
Save the date! Trans-Atlantic Symposium on ICT Technology and Policy
PICASSO is organizing a “Trans-Atlantic Symposium on ICT Technology and Policy: 5G Networks, Big Data, Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems for a smart society”, which will take place on June 19-20, 2017 in Minneapolis, USA.
Check out the agenda outline in the related flyer, and mark your agenda! The event’s page will be updated with more information in due time.
PICASSO speaks at DISCOVERY ICT Transatlantic Workshop
On 16 and 17 November 2016, PICASSO was invited to join as experts to the DISCOVERY project’s Transatlantic ICT Forum Workshop in Brussels, Belgium.
The workshop brought together senior policy analysts and influencers keen on facilitating transatlantic ICT collaboration, and high-level experts in data-driven innovation, data privacy, IP, cyber security, Internet of Things and smart cities.
Read the PICASSO contribution to the event!
The new EU-US Implementing Arrangement
An agreement has been signed between the European Commission and the US Government on October 17, 2016, simplifying the cooperation between European and American researchers or entities taking part to projects funded under Horizon 2020 – the European Union’s research and innovation programme. Discover more in our website
Who is working on PICASSO?
In this issue you will get to know more about the Miami European Union Centre of Excellence – a consortium of FIU, the Florida International University, based in Miami, Florida (US); and about APRE, the Agency for the Promotion of the European Research, based in Rome, Italy.
Check out the partners already presented in Newsletter Issue N° 1 on the related webpage.
Issue N° 3 – February 2018
Save the Date! PICASSO 2nd Transatlantic Symposium on ICT and Policy
PICASSO is organizing its second and final Symposium on ICT and Policy “Leveraging People, Technology, and Information for a Smart and Connected Society”. The event will take place on June 18-19, 2018 in Washington DC (USA), at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
This event will build on the success of the first “Trans-Atlantic Symposium on ICT Technology and Policy: 5G Networks, Big Data, Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems for a smart society”, which took place on June 19-20, 2017 in Minneapolis, USA.
Discover more here!
Policy Papers on ICT development and opportunities in the EU and the US
The PICASSO Project has produced three Policy Papers on the topics of Privacy and data protection, ICT Security, and ICT Standards in the EU and the US. All of them focus on the intertwining relation between policy and technological development in the ICT field, and particularly in the areas of 5G Networks, Big Data, and Internet of Things/Cyber-physical Systems, in a perspective of future collaboration development. Two more are to come within the next months. Read more!
New webinar opportunities are coming
PICASSO is organising new webinars on the opportunities of collaboration between the EU and US in the focus area of the PICASSO project. More information will come as soon as the dates will be defined. Stay tuned and check the PICASSO Webinar page!
Discover ENRICH in the USA – European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs, USA
The initiative is launching its next funded opportunities for EU researchers, innovators and R&I multipliers: Stay tuned for their 2018 opportunities such as the East Coast Innovation Tour in June (around the Bio show), Research Connection Symposium in August and Bootcamps in October. Read more
Who is working on PICASSO?
In this issue you will learn more about THHINK – Wireless Technology Limited, and TUDO – Technische Universität Dortmund
Further project partners have been presented in our previous newsletters already. Check them out on the related webpage.
Looking back on the first Trans-Atlantic Symposium on ICT Technology and Policy
The PICASSO Trans-Atlantic Symposium on ICT Technology and Policy was held in Minneapolis on 19th and 20th June 2017 and brought together ninety outstanding representatives of the academic, industrial and policy makers communities from both the EU and the US.
Discover its findings here
CROSSROADS – your information hub on EU-US ICT collaboration!
As announced in the second edition of the PICASSO Newsletter, the PICASSO project has launched CROSSROADS, its information hub fully dedicated to EU-US ICT collaboration. Free of charge and updated continuously, available as a dedicated website or as a Mobile app on iOS and Android, CROSSROADS will provide you with all the information you need. Check it out!
2nd IEEE 5G Summit took place in Dresden, Germany on Sept. 19th, 2017
5G Lab Germany and IEEE jointly organized the 2nd IEEE 5G Summit Dresden on September 19, 2017 which took place at the International Congress Center Dresden located on the scenic banks of the river Elbe. The Summit attracted 500 attendees including industry leaders, innovators, and researchers from the industry and academic community in Europe, US, Asia and Africa.
The theme of this year was “Gearing up for 5G”, addressing a holistic approach on 5G system design, ranging from silicon hardware, wireless, networks, edge clouds towards Tactile Internet applications. A panel discussion concluded the one-day summit where leaders from industries, academia and government from Europe and US debated on how to push 5G forward towards deployment. Back by popular demand, the date for the 3rd IEEE 5G Summit Dresden has been set to be September 25th, 2018.
Find a short communication on the event in the Project Repository section of our website.
Trans-Atlantic Workshop on Public Private Partnerships for Big Data
The NSF Big Data Innovation Hubs, in collaboration with the PICASSO Project, BDVA and INRIA, held an invitation-only workshop on November 20th, 2017 in conjunction with the European Big Data Value Forum 2017.
The workshop brought together academic and industry actors from the US and the EU to share ongoing Big Data research and innovation efforts, who discussed effective models for bridging data science workforce needs with the academic discipline of data science, and determined how to best support academia-industry collaborative research programs.
Issue N° 4 – July 2018
Farewell and concluding remarks from the Project Coordinator
Dear Colleagues,
This is the last newsletter of the PICASSO project. As you know, PICASSO stands for “ICT Policy, Research and Innovation for Smart Society: towards new avenues in EU-US ICT collaboration” and it is towards this aim that we have worked over the past two and a half years. The project was initiated by the European Commission, and is funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission – with co-funding from our US partners.
So, what can we say about PICASSO after these 30 months?
Read the farewell conclusions from Svetlana Klessova, inno TSD, PICASSO Project Coordinator, here…
Our achievements in the field of 5G networks
The PICASSO 5G Expert Group established an expertise network and analysed opportunities and challenges of EU-US collaboration on 5G networks. Based on these analyses, the Expert Group identified opportunities, challenges, major technology themes and strategic initiatives, to provide public and private organisations with a solid foundation and knowledge base to take concrete actions on EU-US collaboration in the future. Read more…
Our achievements in the field of Big Data
Both the EU and the US are funding numerous research and innovation activities related to Big Data in order to tackle a number of societal challenges. The PICASSO Big Data Expert Group managed to establish a large community of over 50 Big Data experts, representing a wide network of EU and US organisations (i.e. industry, policy, R&D, academia) to collaborate on exactly these challenges. The thematic Groups for tackling common application and technological challenges and priorities will remain an important collaboration mechanism after the PICASSO project end. Read more…
Our Final Event: The 2nd Annual Transatlantic Symposium on ICT and Policy
The 2nd Annual Transatlantic Symposium on ICT and Policy “Leveraging People, Technology, and Information for a Smart and Connected Society” was held on June 18-19, 2018 at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC, USA. Hosts for the event were the Wilson Center’s Science and Technology Innovation Program and the PICASSO project. The event was sponsored by the European Commission, US National Science Foundation, and Mississippi State University. The Symposium attracted 90 participants on site and 380 online viewers. It was also the final event of the PICASSO project. Read more…
The US perspective. A chat with Tariq Samad, from the Technological Leadership Institute, Univ. of Minnesota
What have we learnt from PICASSO and how will it influence future US/EU collaboration? To begin with, some of the challenges of realizing close-knit research collaboration through joint actions by agencies have been repeatedly emphasized. But on a more positive and constructive note, it is clear that there is substantial overlap in interests among experts on either side of the ocean and that there are excellent opportunities for collaborations to develop and prosper. Read more…
Our achievements in the field of Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems
The IoT/CPS Expert Group has developed comprehensive analyses and comparisons of EU and US cross-domain and application-specific drivers and needs, of enabling technologies, research and innovation priorities, current funding and collaboration landscapes, and potential barriers for collaboration in the IoT and CPS sectors. These are the results of a concerted effort that involved a significant number of international experts from industry, academia, research organizations and funding agencies. Based on these results, promising fields for transatlantic collaboration and possible mechanisms were identified. Read more…
Our achievements in the EU-US policy dialogue related to the technical core fields
The global Internet Governance issues provide challenges and opportunities for the three PICASSO technology domains: Big Data, IoT/CPS and 5G Networks. This is why the PICASSO Policy Expert Group has analysed challenges of horizontal importance to all three technology domains – Privacy, Security, Standards, Spectrum and Digital Communities – and provided recommendations for enhanced policy support. Here are our findings. Read more…
Our Foundations. ICT collaboration landscape: drivers and needs
EU-US industrial drivers and societal needs/barriers have been the object of a thorough analysis in PICASSO. As a starting point, an analysis was performed of the ICT landscape in EU and US considering ICT, Policies, regulations, programmes and networks in the EU and US. Interviews were then performed with key industrial actors from large, mid-cap and SME companies from the EU and US in the Smart Cities, Smart Transportation and Smart Energy sectors. In total 150 key actors were approached for the questionnaire and 70 face-to-face interviews were conducted. The interviews focused on societal challenges and the application domains, but also including elements related to technological issues, needs, trends and funding needs. Information was also gathered on both industrial drivers and barriers to exploitation, e.g. regulations, lack of standards, lack of business models. Read more…
The US perspective. A chat with Christine Caly-Sanchez, from the Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, FIU
The Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at FIU (MFJMCE) has been proud to be one of the three American and 7 European Partners in the project PICASSO. Over these years – thanks also to the full support of the Florida International University, and especially of the School of Computing and Information Sciences, the MFJMCE has promoted PICASSO activities throughout the US. An still opportunities are upcoming! Read more…
PICASSO has been financed with support from the European Commission. PICASSO brings together prominent specialists willing to contribute to enhancement of EU-US ICT collaboration. PICASSO does not represent EU or US policy makers, and the views put forward do not necessarily represent the official view of the European Commission or US Government on the subject. PICASSO cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information granted.