APRE (www.apre.it) is a non-profit research organisation created in 1989 upon the joint initiative of the Italian Ministry of Research and the European Commission with the main objective to promote the participation to national and European RTD programmes. It groups together more than 100 members, including both public and private research centres, industries, industrial associations, chambers of commerce, science parks and more than 50 universities. APRE has a long-lasting experience in the EC Framework Programmes, which started with FP3. During its 25 years of activities APRE has been participating to about 100 projects co-financed by the European Commission (DG Research, DG Education and DG Enterprise), many of which in the field of international cooperation for research, and support to innovation and technology transfer. APRE has renamed experience in training activities (courses, workshops, info-days and seminars). In the Seventh Framework Programme and in Horizon 2020 it has been appointed by the Italian Ministry of Research and the European Commission host organization of the Italian National Contact Points for all the themes and sectors. APRE is also member of the Enterprise Europe Network helping SMEs to make the most of the European marketplace.
Role in the project:
Responsible for panorama on ICT-related access opportunities in EU and US.
Organiser of the EU-US ICT policy and innovation conference.
Organisation of webinars. Promotion of access opportunities. Responsible for the final event.