thhinkTHHINK Wireless Technologies Ltd, located in Sheffield UK (a Smart City), is an ICT company that was founded in 2009 after more than a decade of research and development in wireless and energy harvesting technologies. The vision of THHINK is to create innovative technology solutions for ubiquitous sensing and computing to achieve a more efficient, interconnected and environmentally sound future. Through many years of R&D experience with leading companies in the aerospace, automotive (Formula 1), marine, rail transport and nuclear sectors, THHINK has developed exceptional expertise in the field of advanced sensing, remote condition monitoring, wireless data acquisition and telemetry information systems. The company is expert in the development of robust, ultra-low power embedded wireless sensors, energy harvesting and custom platforms for diagnostics, condition/health monitoring, telemetry and control. A whole range of wireless solutions – from ultra-low powered networks to embedded WLAN and cellular GSM/GPRS/3G – are leveraged to reliably monitor assets, equipment and operating environments.

THHINK is engaged at the UK national level in the Transport Systems Catapult and with UK Universities researching IoT in Smart Cities and Cyber Physical Systems for autonomous vehicles. At the European level THHINK is a consultant to DG Connect writing a number of EC documents on Cyber Physical Systems, Systems of Systems, Internet of Things and Digital Manufacturing covering technology roadmaps, policy and strategy for ICT. THHINK is also a consultant to the European Parliament providing expertise on the future of autonomous transport. At an International Level THHINK has worked with NIST on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and with NASA on remote agriculture and flood monitoring. THHINK lead the work on business modelling in the EU Road4FAME project developing a roadmap for ICT in the manufacturing sector. In 2011 THHINK Wireless Technologies Japan was formed to develop innovative micro-generator technology to power future M2M and IoT applications.

Role in the Project :

Within PICASSO THHINK leads Work Package 1 establishing EU-US Industrial drivers, societal needs and the ICT collaboration landscape. The company is producing a panorama of EU-US ICT policies and regulations, programs, priorities, networks, projects and access opportunities and it is also analysing industrial drivers, societal needs, cross-domain relationships/application areas/opportunities for EU-US collaboration in non-competitive and pre-competitive areas. THHINK is also acting as an expert on the PICASSO IoT/CPS Working Group.