
Project Policy Papers

  • PICASSO ICT Policy White Paper – White Paper with a focus on recommendations for specific high potential ICT policy initiatives in the EU-US Dialogue (May 2018)

    This paper brings together insights relating to the reciprocal relation between policy and the further development, and thus R&I collaboration on development, of 5G networks; Big Data; and IoT/CPS.

  • PICASSO Policy Paper 5: Digital Communities and EU/US ICT development collaboration (May 2018)  

    This policy paper focuses on the impact and potential of “Digital” in local communities (hence: “Digital Communities”) in the EU and the US and how that affects and is affected by in particular ICT development collaboration related to 5G Networks, Big Data, and Internet of Things/Cyber Physical Systems.

  • PICASSO Policy Paper 4: Spectrum issues affecting EU/US ICT development collaboration (April 2018)

    This policy paper focuses on Spectrum policy considerations in the EU and the US that affect and are affected by, in particular ICT, development collaboration related to 5G Networks, Big Data and Internet of Things/Cyber Physical Systems.

  • PICASSO Policy Paper 3: Standardisation issues affecting EU/US ICT development collaboration (October 2017)

    This policy paper focuses on ICT standardisation policy considerations in the EU and the US that affect and are affected by, in particular ICT, development  collaboration  related  to  5G  Networks,  Big  Data and Internet of Things/Cyber Physical Systems.

  • PICASSO Policy Paper 2: ICT Security issues affecting EU/US ICT development collaboration (May 2017)

    This policy paper focuses on cybersecurity policy considerations in the EU and the US that particularly affect and are affected by ICT Research and Innovation (R&I) collaboration related to 5G Networks, Big Data, and Internet of Things/Cyber Physical Systems.

  • PICASSO Policy Paper 1: Privacy and Data Protection (November 2016)

    This policy paper focuses on privacy and data protection policy considerations in the EU and the US that affect and are affected by in particular ICT development collaboration related to 5G Networks, Big Data, and Internet of Things/Cyber Physical Systems.

Find more information about the ICT Policy Expert Group here.

Opportunity Reports

  • IoT/CPS Opportunity Report (May 2018)

    This report describes the major results that were obtained by the PICASSO Expert Group on the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems (CPS) in the PICASSO project.

  • Opportunity Report: Big Data (May 2018)

    This report describes the major results that were obtained by the PICASSO Expert Group on Big Data in the PICASSO project.

  • Opportunity Report: 5G (May 2018)

    This report describes the major results that were obtained by the PICASSO Expert Group on 5G in the PICASSO project.

  • Opportunity Report: Policy (May 2018)

    This report outlines specific policy challenges for collaboration between US and EU researchers.

  • Opportunity Report “Towards Enhanced EU‐US ICT Pre‐competitive Collaboration”Initial version (March 2017)

    This report describes the major results that were obtained by the PICASSO Expert Groups in the first half of the PICASSO project on the technology sectors Internet of Things (IoT) / Cyber-physical Systems (CPS), Big Data, and 5G, and on ICT policy relating to these technology sectors.

Other Public Project Reports

  • Analysis of Industrial Drivers and Societal Needs: towards new avenues in EU-US ICT collaboration (November 2016)

    This public report  provides an  analysis  of  EU-US  industrial  drivers  and  societal  needs/barriers, and highlights initial  proposals  for  collaboration  opportunities which  will  be  discussed,  refined  and  prioritised  by the Expert  Groups in  the  next  stages  of  PICASSO.

  • Overview on ICT-related access opportunities in EU and US (June  2016)

    This document represents the current state of play of the EU-US collaboration opportunities in ICT. Updated information on opportunities will be displayed on the PICASSO website.

  • Panorama of ICT landscape in EU and US: ICT, policies, regulations, programmes and networks in the EU and US (May 2016 – revised)

    This  report provides a “Panorama of ICT landscape in EU and US: ICT, Policies, regulations, programmes and networks in the EU and US”. Additionally, key activities in the rest of the world are also presented in order to put  the  work being  performed within  the  EU  and  US  in  context.  The  intention  of  this  document  is  to  set  the scene for the PICASSO project which has the intention to reinforce EU-US ICT collaboration in pre-competitive research and innovation related to key societal challenges: smart cities, smart energy and smart transportation, and in key enabling technologies: 5G Networks, Big Data, Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems.

Check out further public project material here.