THHINK (THHINK Wireless Technologies Ltd), United Kingdom

Main contact persons involved in PICASSO

Professor Haydn Thompson


Dr Daniela Ramos-Hernandez

Director of THHINK UK

Role, added value and ambitions in PICASSO

THHINK has a history of engagement in innovative research and development over a wide diversity of applications across the globe. With bases in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Japan and Australia the company has a truly international perspective. The expertise within the company has led it to be a consultant to the EC and European Parliament in the area Digitising European Industry, Cyber Physical Systems, Systems of Systems, Internet of Things and Digital Manufacturing, providing input on technology roadmaps, policy and strategy for ICT. The target for PICASSO is joint EU-US collaboration and here THHINK works with NIST’s Engineering Labs., with Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS), with NASA on remote agriculture and flood monitoring, and with Boeing on autonomous vehicles. Through PICASSO the company has been gathering an industry view of the future needs for key areas such as smart transportation, smart energy and smart cities.

PICASSO is seen as core input for THHINK as a company. The company has a portfolio of applications across the world in autonomous systems, wireless sensor systems and remote monitoring technologies. Within PICASSO THHINK has produced the Panorama Report covering key ICT solutions and application domains. The company has also performed interviews with leading companies in Europe and the US to understand the future market opportunities, technology needs and barriers to exploitation. This provides invaluable insight into future markets as well as the drivers behind key future application domains.

THHINK is lead of WP1 (EU-US Industrial drivers, societal needs and ICT collaboration landscape) and is responsible for creating a Panorama of activities going on in the EU and US as well as performing an analysis of industrial drivers. THHINK is also responsible for interfacing with NIST and organising meetings in Washington.

THHINK was founded to create innovative technology solutions for the future. There are many exciting applications and commercial opportunities and we want to be at the forefront of technology where our vision is to create “smart anything everywhere anytime” solutions. We already have many diverse applications but the knowledge gained in PICASSO in other areas opens up a much wider commercial opportunity for the company.

THHINK in brief

THHINK Wireless Technologies Ltd. (UK) was founded in 2009 after more than a decade of research and development in wireless and energy harvesting technologies. The vision of THHINK is to create innovative technology solutions for ubiquitous sensing, computing and autonomous systems to achieve a more efficient, interconnected and environmentally sound future. Having grown rapidly the THHINK Group of companies now consists of: THHINK Wireless Technologies Ltd. (UK), THHINK B.V. (NL), THHINK Autonomous Systems Pty. (Aus) and THHINK Wireless Technologies Japan Ltd. The company has extensive expertise in the aerospace, automotive (Formula 1), marine, rail transport, agriculture and nuclear sectors.


Prof. Haydn Thompson
e-mail: Haydn.Thompson (at)