Associated Partner of the PICASSO Project

National Institute of Standards and Technology

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is an agency of the United States Government. NIST’s mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve quality of life. To fulfill its mission and as part of its outreach efforts, NIST encourages its researchers to assist small business, industry, academia and other government scientists by participating in cooperative activities, both in the U.S. and abroad.



BILAT USA 4.0 is a H2020 EU funded project focused on the bilateral cooperation in science, technology and innovation between the European Union and the United States. Being the world’s strongest and most comprehensive partnership in these areas, BILAT-USA 4.0 is committed to supporting research organizations, universities, companies, industry associations, government agencies and policy makers in transatlantic collaboration to increase economic growth, job creation and tackle global challenges.

CPSoS Project

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CPSoS was a 30-month FP7  Support Action that has provided a forum and an exchange platform for systems-of-systems related communities and ongoing projects, focusing on the challenges posed by the engineering and the operation of technical systems in which computing and communication systems interact with large complex physical systems.

It has developed a Proposal of a European Research and Innovation Agenda on Cyber-physical Systems of Systems and published it as an illustrated brochure which can be found here.



logo-discovery-completoDISCOVERY is an international cooperation project co-funded by Horizon 2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation that was launched on January 1 2016. During the project lifetime the project will implement an interactive work plan to support dialogues between Europe and North America (U.S. and Canada) and to foster cooperation in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Research & Innovation.


5G-­ENSURE belongs to the first group of EU-funded projects through 5G-PPP Call 1, which collaboratively develop 5G under the umbrella of the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) in the Horizon 2020 Programme. The overall goal of 5G-ENSURE is to deliver strategic impact across technology and business enablement, standardisation and vision for a secure, resilient and viable 5G network. The project covers research & innovation – from technical solutions (5G security architecture and testbed with 5G security enablers) to market validation and end-users and takeholders engagement – spanning various application domains.


The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) is a joint initiative between the European Commission and European ICT industry (ICT manufacturers, telecommunications operators, service providers, SMEs and researcher Institutions).  The 5G-PPP is now in its second phase where 21 new projects were launched in Brussels in June 2017. The 5G PPP will deliver solutions, architectures, technologies and standards for the ubiquitous next generation communication infrastructures of the coming decade. The challenge for the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) is to secure Europe’s leadership in the particular areas where Europe is strong or where there is potential for creating new markets such as smart cities, e-health, intelligent transport, education or entertainment & media. The 5G PPP initiative will reinforce the European industry to successfully compete on global markets and open new innovation opportunities.

Global 5G is a new 5G PPP Phase 2 Coordination & Support Action with the specific role of helping to strengthen the link between vertical industries, standardisation and research as diverse requirements emerge from different vertical industry use cases. will also play a role in supporting consensus building on standardisation and harmonisation on policy and regulations across the EU. is the European observatory of research and innovation in the field of cybersecurity and privacy. Funded under the European Commission’s H2020 programme, this brand-new project will contribute to making the Digital Single Market a safer and more trusted by promoting the uptake and understanding of cutting-edge cybersecurity and privacy services which emerge from Research and Innovation initiatives across Europe. First to benefit are SMEs who will have unlimited access to a marketplace and catalogue of new services that can improve their services and ensure that cybersecurity becomes a unique selling point for them.

Big Data Value Association

The Big Data Value Association AISBL (BDVA) is a fully self-financed non–for-profit organisation under Belgian law. The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is the private counterpart to the EU Commission to implement the BDV PPP programme (Big Data Value PPP). BDVA has over 150 members all over Europe with a well-balanced composition of large and small and medium-sized industries as well as research organizations.


The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation was initiated as a result of the European and global IoT technology and market developments. AIOTI aims to create and master sustainable innovative European IoT ecosystems in the global context to address the challenges of IoT technology and applications deployment including standardisation, interoperability and policy issues, in order to accelerate sustainable economic development and growth in the new emerging European and global digital markets.


ENRICH is the European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs. Promoted by the European Commission through Horizon 2020, the ENRICH Network currently offers services to connect European research, technology and business organisations with three global frontrunner innovation markets: Brazil, China and the USA. ENRICH in the USA is powered by NearUS, the H2020 initiative to establish a Network of European Research and Innovation Centres throughout the United States of America. ENRICH USA acts as a central contact point for European research and innovation actors seeking to grow and reinforce collaboration across the Atlantic.

The mission of the Network is to provide standardised as well as tailor-made, research & innovation internationalisation support services to European researchers and innovators, to accelerate access to the US market, and maximise chances of success.


AEGIS is a Horizon 2020 project focusing on EU-US cybersecurity and privacy dialogue.

AEGIS provides support to EU-US ongoing dialogues and discussions related to cybersecurity and privacy, by providing a practical and effective international collaboration platform engaged in: (a) discussing progress and priorities; (b) setting the cybersecurity and privacy research agendas to be pursued at an international scale; and (c) coordinating the sharing of policies and best practices, standards, test facilities, knowledge and experience in an effort to stimulate cooperation around cybersecurity and privacy research and innovation approaches and thus contribute in shaping the future global cybersecurity landscape.

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